
Sunday, December 25, 2011

60s Slang!

A Gas - Having a lot of fun.
All Show and No Go - Pretty car.  Nice wheels and so forth. Looks good put has no go power.
Ape: Used with verbs gone or went. (i.e. "When I came home an hour late my parents went ape.)
Baby – informal greeting - Hey Baby, what's up?
Bad - Awesome
Bad Ass - Tough guy
Bag - Meant to steal. Who bagged my wallet? Also "what's your bag?" What you’re into.
Beautiful People – Kindred hippie spirits
Bum a Smoke - Borrow a cigarette from another person
Beat It - Leave
Birth Control Seats - Referred to cars with bucket seats
Bitchin' - Good, great, or awesome
Blast - Had a great time like "I had a blast at the dance."
Blitzed - Drunk
Bookin' – leaving real fast
Boss - Cool or fantastic - The new album I just bought is boss!
Bread - Money
Brew - Beer
Bum Trip – waste of time, bad event
Bummed Out - Depressed

Candyass - A Wimp or uncool thing or person.
Catch some Z's - Go to sleep
Cherry - Pristine or mint condition. That car is cherry!
Chick - girl or woman
Chicken (To Play) - Two cars drive head on towards each other and the first to pull away is a coward.
Church Key - Before poptop cans, there were openers that were designed to puncture the beer can to drink from it.
Cool - Nice
Cool Head - Nice guy
Cool Pipes - Mellow sounding exhaust system
Cop a Feel - Touching a girl's no touch zone pretending it was accidental.
Crash - go to bed / sleep
Cruising - Driving up and down the strip, street or town looking for members of the opposite sex.
Cutout  - leave the scene or area (also see Split
Decked Out - All Dressed Up
Dibs - Used with the word got. "I got dibs on that seat." Meaning you own it.
Dig (It)- Do you understand?
Ditz - An idiot

Don't Flip Your Wig - In other words don't go ape.
Don't Sweat It - Don't let it bother you.
Dropout - Nonconformist
Dude - A guy
Fab - Fantastic
Far-out -  awesome : Also see outta sight
Fine as Wine - Good-looking - as The guy or girl is "fine as wine"
Fink - Tattletale
Five Finger Discount - Anything acquired by theft
Flake - A useless person
Floor Box - floor mounted transmission shifter
Flower Child - A Hippie 
Four on the Floor - See Floor Box
Fox (Foxy)- An outstanding looking chick
Freakin' Out - getting excited or a panic attack
Funky – acceptable, cool
Fuzz - The Police
Groovy - Nice or neat
Glasspacks - Mufflers lined with fiberglass to muffle the sound. The shorter the muffler the louder the sound.
Gum Ball Machine - the old fashion lights on a police cruiser
Hacked or Hacked Off - Mad or teed off.
Hairy - Out of control
Hang Loose - Take it easy
Haul(s) Ass - A car really moves. "Tom's Chevy sure hauls ass."
Hip - Very Cool
Hodad - a non-surfer, just hangs around the beach
Hopped up - Souped up like a car
Hunk - What a girl calls a good looking guy
Jive – talk that made little sense
Kissup - Teacher's Pet or person that will do anything to please another person in authority.
Lay It On Me - Tell me or speak your piece
Loaded - Intoxicated or drunk
Love Bite - Also known as a hickey - Red mark on a person made by suction of a kiss by lips and tongue.
Meanwhile Back At The Ranch - It was used to get the storyteller back on track to the story he was telling.  In other words, get to the point. It was meant to keep it short. Phrase came from serial westerns.
Midnight Auto Supply - Auto parts stolen
Mod – Modern Fashion
Moo Juice - milk
Moon(ing) - To drop your pants and show your bare butt
Mop Top – A Beatles hair cut

Outta Sight or Out of Sight – awesome: Also see Far Out
Passion Pit - Drive-in Movie
Peel Out - Burn or leave rubber with your car
Pig - Cop or a Promiscuous Girl 
Pig Out - Overeat
Pits, the   the worst, nasty, bad, awful, meaningless (i.e. "this place is the pits")
Psychedelic – bright, dreamy colors of light and patterns
Rap - to talk, discussion
Ride -  car, truck, or motorcycle
Right On -  exactly or I second that.
Score - Going all the way with a girl
Shades - Sunglasses
Sharp - Real Good Looking
Skag - An ugly girl
Skank - See Skag
Skuzz - Low down, disgusting person also used as Skuzz bucket- an ugly car. Rust Bucket – old ugly car
Slam Book - a pass around book filled with questions to answer on your fellow classmates.
Slut - very promiscuous girl
Split - leave the scene or area  (Also see Cutout)
Solid - I got it or I'm with you
Stacked - A girl well endowed or built
Stoned - High on pot 
Stone Fox (Stone Cold Fox) - Extremely beautiful girl 
Stood Up - A no-show for a date
Straight – not using drugs
Stuck Up - Conceited
Swapping Spit - French Kissing to the maximum
Sweat Hog - Fat Chick or Fat Guy
The Bird - The Middle Finger
The Man - Authority
Threads  - clothes
Toke - taking a puff on a joint 
Tough or Tuff - Great looking or cherry "She sure is a tough chick"
Uptight - uncool
Wedgie - When somebody pulls your underwear up from the back and ends in the crack. Some of today's underwear are made for that purpose; they call them thongs.
Wiz, Take a - Urinate
Woody - An erection

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